The blog is written for the grandchildren of William and Phyllis James McKim, the children of Marilyn, Karen, Ellen, and Susan.

When I started with this ancestry stuff, my intent was to go back in each line, find the immigrant, and stop. Probably like most Americans, I assumed that would be no more than four or five generations. 

But in line after line, I found myself going back and back and back and back. When one of the lines reached the Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, it was like hitting a genealogy gusher. So I capped the well and let my subscription expire.

In 2018, Keith and I signed up for a cruise around Scotland, so I decided to get back on Ancestry to see if I could find any ancestral place names.   

Just as I did, out of the blue, Anne Simpson, a fourth cousin through my immigrant paternal grandmother fromEngland, contacted Ellen, so I dived back in with renewed energy. 

Now I’ve invested far too much time to let this lapse. 

This blog contains what I’ve been able (as of date) to put together from information available online and in photos and notes I possess. You can see the tree if you log on to (I’m told many libraries have free access), but you will not be able to add anything or build your own. It’s the “Combined Family Tree” associated with karenmckim65. 

It's written for the grandkids of Bill and Phyl McKim, so I  labeled them 'grandparents,'  even though they are my parents. Generations farther back are labeled in relation to my kids and their cousins.

This website contains charts and individual profiles. The charts are linked at the bottom of this webpage.

Then, many individuals, or couples, have their own page.  I saved a lot of siblings (our aunts and uncles) to the online tree, but included little of their information in this document. To find them, you’ll need to go on Ancestry yourself.

On each side (maternal, paternal) of anyone’s family, there are 2 grandparents, 4 great-grandparents; 8 2G grandparents; and 16 3G grandparents. This document includes all those on your maternal side.

Going farther back, it also includes 29 of your 32 4G-grandparents; XX of their 64 5G-grandparents; and XX of their 128 6G-grandparents, plus a few more people in some lines, going back to X 9G grandparents.
Unless otherwise noted, the source is a document I found on

In general, this document contains no celebrities and no criminals. Just a group of solid, hard-working, family people——most of whom were willing and able to bloom where they were planted. 

On the other hand, our ancestors, like us, preferred to forget unpleasant facts about their lives, so there are probably things we don’t know.

             Karen McKim, January 2020

Ulster and Scotland
Germany and Switzerland 

1 - William Hollis McKim (1926 - 2001)
2 - Phyllis James (1926-2011) 

3 - Hollis McKim ("Grandad") 1891-1971

15 & 16 - Robert Alexander McKim  (1838-1906) and Elvira Eleanor Gould (1836-1866)  
17 & 18 - Robert Sloss (1816-1892) (from Ulster) and Jane Semple (1816-1880)
19 & 20 - John Abercrombie (1841-1875) and Susan Wilson (1839-1920) in Scotland
21 &22 - Alexander Orkney (1823–1900) and Hannah Richardson (1827–1910) in England
23 & 24 - Lewis Lyman James (1805-1880) and Cerintha Wells (1807-1865)
25 & 26 - Henry Sanford Bellows (1834-1897) and Harriet Amelia Tichenor (1838-1933)
27 & 28 - Andrew Bream (1821-1892) and Rebecca Plank (1822-1905)
29 & 30 - Levi Taylor (1826-1913) and Catherine R. Hoffman (1827-1912) 


31 & 32 - John Adam McKim  (1804-1867)  and Henrietta Nelson  (1804-1881)
33 & 34 - Oliver H. Gould  (1810-1872) and Hester (unknown)  (1806-1875)
35 & 36 - James Sloss  (1784-1867) and Elizabeth Thompson  (1791-1872)  (from Ulster)
37 & 38 - David Semple  (1785-1856) and Mary Stewart  (1791-1845)  (from Ulster)
39 & 40 -James Abercrombie  (1810-1873) and Janet Gillies (1813-1890) in Scotland
41 & 42 -Isaac Wilson  (1809) and Agnes (unknown)  (1809)  in Scotland
43 & 44 -Thomas Orkney  (1801-1848) and Priscilla Temple  (1793-1858)  in England
45 & 46 - George Richardson and Unknown in England
47 &48 - Malachi James (1767-1849) and Elizabeth Lyman  (1771-1856)
49 & 50 -John Wells (1764-1835) and Sarah Warner  (1767-1837)  
51 & 52 - William Smith Bellows II  (1811-1891) and Mary Sanford  (1816-1895)
53 & 54 - James Mortimer Tichenor  (1816-1893) and Julia Ann Roberts (1815-1886)  
55 & 56 - Joseph Bream  (1799-1877) and Mary C. Hartzel  (1799-1865)
57 & 58 - William Plank  Nov. 30, (1792-1878) and Rebecca Werner  Dec. 6, (1795-1861)
59 & 60 - Joseph Taylor II  (1803-1878) and Barbara Arendt  Mar. 18, (1810-1849)
61 & 62 - Abraham Hoffman  Apr. 19, (1799-1878) and Mary Maria Lower  Apr. 13, (1801-1879)

63 & 64 - David McKim  Dec. 19, 1768-1830 and (Sarah Stringer)  (1730-1817)
65 & 66 - John Nelson  Dec. 24, 1774-1850 and Margaret Graffius  Oct. 27, 1776-1845  
79 & 80 - William Abercrombie  Oct. 1, 1790-1841 and Janet Brash  in Scotland
81 & 82 - John Gillies  1780-1851 and Agnes Bauld  1785-1841  in Scotland
87 & 88 - Alexander Orkney  1771-1849 and Jane (unknown last name)  1771-1848  in England
89 & 90 - James Temple  May 30, 1773 and Susanna Thompson  c. 1770-c. 1846  in England
95 & 96 - John James (AR)  Mar. 16, 1744-1804 and Lois Beal  July 20, 1746-1810  
97 & 98 - Elias Lyman (AR)  Aug. 18, 1740-1816 and Hannah Clapp  June 15, 1742-1813
99 & 100 - Benjamin Wells  Aug 23, 1729-1802 and Lucy Graves  May 8, 1734-1815  
101 & 102 - Jonathon Warner (AR)  July 16, 1743-1826 and Eglah Sheldon  Oct. 24, 1745-1828  
103 & 104 - William Smith Bellows  Apr. 11, 1782-1857 and Olive Youngs  Sep. 13, 1784-1861  
105 & 106 -
107 & 108 - James Tichenor  c. 1790-1870  
109 & 110 - Elias Wade Roberts  Nov. 11, 1788-1858 and Phoebe Clark Lyon  1793- 1835
111 & 112 - Jacob Bream —?-1835 and Catherine Phliegar  Aug. 19, 1780-1850
115 & 116 - Conrad Johannes Plank —?-1842 and Anna Maria Slaybaugh-Schlebach —1772-1859
117 & 118 -Burkhard Werner  1764-1834 and Mary Magdeline (Unknown)  Feb. 28, 1763-1830
119 & 120 - Robert Taylor II  (?) -and Ruth Hunter  1760-(?)
121 & 122 - Peter Arendt  1756-1836 and Catherine Oyler  Dec. 9, 1763-1837
123 & 124 - Johann Michael Hoffman and  Elizabeth Fohl  1768-1844

6G-grandparents’ era...and farther back             
127. Robert McKim  c.1740-1834  Cumberland County, PA 
128. Mary Graham  c. 1747-1814  Cumberland County, PA    
131. Lt. William Nelson (AR)  Feb. 1735-1814  Ulster, Ireland                
132. Elizabeth Carroll  1735-1813  Huntingdon County, PA
133. Nicholaus Graffius  Apr. 17, 1746-1822  Standingston, PA 
134. Maria Elizabeth Correll  Nov. 24, 1753-1843  York, PA
159. James Abercrombie  Jan. 17, 1767-1841  Kilsyth, Scotland
160. Janet Forrester   c. 1768-1801  St. Ninians, Scotland     55
161. James Brash  Feb. 13, 1752-1806  Kirkintilloch, Scotland             56
179. George Temple  Sep. 12, 1748 - ?  Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England          56
181. (Nicholas Thompson)            56
182. (Susanna)  56
191. John James  Oct. 7, 1712-1768  Hingham, MA    57
192. Deborah Bates  Apr. 2, 1716-1768  Pembroke, MA          57
193. Adam Beal  Aug. 20, 1725  Hingham, Plymouth, MA       57
194. Jael Worrick (Warwick)  May 31, 1725  Hingham, Plymouth, MA               57
195. Elias Lyman  May 15, 1710-1790  South Farms, MA       57
196. Hannah Allen  Dec. 1, 1714-1791  Northhampton, MA                57
197. Jonathan Clapp  (AR)  Sept. 2, 1713-1782  Northhampton, MA               57
198. Submit Strong  Dec. 23, 1712-1788  Northhampton, MA            57
199. Jonathon Wells  May 20, 1684-1735  Deerfield, MA     57
200. Mary Hoyt  June 16, 1699-1750  Deerfileld, MA             57
201. Elnathan Graves  Aug 20, 1699-1785  Hatfield, MA       57
202. Martha Dickinson  Dec. 25, 1701-1756  Hatfield, MA    57
203. Mark Warner  Dec. 21, 1712-1755  Northhampton, MA              57
204. Experience Wright  Oct. 19, 1714-1768  Northhampton, MA    57
205. Israel Sheldon  May 15, 1715-1791  Northhampton, MA            57
206. Naomi Warner  Sept 26, 1719-1750  Northhampton, MA           57
207. John Bellows  1750- 1831            57
208. Mary Smith               57
209. Daniel Youngs  Abt. 1753 - ?  Southold, NY          57
210. Catherine Brown  b. abt 1756 - ?  Orient, NY      57
215. Joseph Tichenor      58
219. John Roberts  Aug. 1756-1820  Neward, NJ     58
220. Sarah Wade  Nov. 4, 1764  Elizabeth, NJ               58
221. Ebenezer Lyon  Apr. 29, 1746-1816  Washington Valley, NJ      58
222. Sarah Wilcox  1749- 1795  New Providence, NJ 58
223. Henry Heinrich  1748-1828  Adams County, PA              58
224. Barbara Leathers  1762- 1820  Centre County, PA            58
225. Jacob Pflieger  1732-1800  York, PA     58
226. Anna Maria Catherine Trout  June 10, 1736-1800  Baden-Wuerttembery, Germany     58
231. George Plank  June 27, 1759-1849  Northhamption, PA             58
232. Elizabeth Griesemer  Apr. 11, 1761-1854  Bucks County, PA     58
233. Heinrich Schlebach  1717-1783  Germany         58
234. Sabrina Catherina Muhl  1737-1796  Rheinland-Pfalz- Germany             58
235. Jacob Werner  1741-1808  Adams County, PA
236. Magdalena (unknown)  1744-1824
239. Robert Taylor  1740-1765  Ulster, Ireland
240. Jane Douglass  1748-1793  Edinburgh, Scotland
243. John Jacob Arendt  Germany
244. Catharina Reid  Mar. 17, 1728-1813  York County, PA
247. Michael Hoffman  ~1722-1777  Germany
248. Anna Maria Engle  ~1729-1796  Montgomery, PA

CHARTS (Going back six generations)
The first two charts cover my parents and three generations before that. Then, each 3G grandparent has a separate chart, going back to the 6G Grandparents.  

In the charts, the place names for each person are their birthplaces.

  • Underlined names are the immigrants.
  •  “Undiscovered” means I could not find any useful hints on Ancestry, or I didn’t try. In most lines, I quit when I found the immigrant. You’re welcome to pick up that ball if you wish! 
  •  “Unclear” means that the information I could find was too confusing or conflicting to preserve in this document.
  • Soldiers who served during the American Revolution are noted with (AR). They tend to have good documentation on as a result of all the uploaded applications for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and Sons of the American Revolution (SAR).  There are X such men in this document.
Chart: William McKim, and back to your 3G grandparents
Chart: Phyllis James, and back to your 3G grandparents
Chart: Robert Alexander McKim (15) and 3 previous ...
Chart: Alexander Orkney (21) and 3 previous genera...
Chart: Hannah Richardson (22) and 3 previous gener...
Chart: Lewis Lyman James (23) and 3 previous gener...
Chart: Cerintha Wells (24) and 3 previous generati...
Chart: Henry Sanford Bellows (25) and 3 previous g...
Chart: Harriet Amelia Tichenor (26) and 3 previou...
Chart: Andrew Bream (27) and 3 previous generation...
Chart: Rebecca Plank (28) and 3 previous generatio...
Chart: Levi Taylor (27) and 3 previous generations...
Chart: Catherine R. Hoffman (30) and 3 previous ge...

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Introduction and Highlights: An exceptionally American family tree

This blog is written for the grandchildren of William and Phyllis James McKim, the children of Marilyn, Karen, Ellen, and Susan .       In 1...