- This page starts with your 4G grandparents, the ancestors of your great-grandfather Esta Bream, back to the earliest immigrant to America. The youngest of these 4G grandparents was born in 1803; the oldest in this group was one of your XG grandparents, born in 1575.
- Most of the immigrants in this group came from areas that are now in Germany and Switzerland; some came from Scotland via Ulster (Northern Ireland). Say why they migrated. This list does not include anyone who stayed in Europe; my work stopped with the immigrant.
- Numbering
system: To find anyone's father, double their number and add one; to
find anyone's mother, double their number and add two. To find any
father's kid, subtract one and divide by two; to find any mother's kid,
subtract two and divide by two. If you notice a missing number, it's
because I know nothing about that person or, for those in the earliest
generations, they stayed in England.
- Immigrants are highlighted. Men who fought in the American Revolution are marked with (AR).
4G Southern Pennsylvania families:
117 & 118 -Burkhard Werner 1764-1834 and Mary Magdeline (Unknown) Feb. 28, 1763-1830
249 - 250
251 - 252
253 - 254
Southern Pennsylvania families:
447 - 448
449 - 450
451 - 452
453 - 454
455 - 456
457 - 458
459 - 460
461 - 462
463 - 464
465 - 466
467 - 468
469 - 470
471 - 472
473 - 474
475 - 476
477 - 478
479 - 480
481 - 482
483 - 484
485 - 486
487 - 488
489 - 490
491 - 492
493 - 494
495 - 496
497 - 498
499 - 500
501 - 502
503 - 504
505 - 506
507 - 508
509 - 510
Southern Pennsylvania families:
895 - 896
897 - 898
899 - 900
901 - 902
903 - 904
905 - 906
907 - 908
909 - 910
911 - 912
913 - 914
915 - 916
917 - 918
919 - 920
921 - 922
923 - 924
925 - 926
927 - 928
929 - 930
931 - 932
933 - 934
935 - 936
937 - 938
939 - 940
941 - 942
943 - 944
945 - 946
947 - 948
949 - 950
951 - 952
953 - 954
955 - 956
957 - 958
959 - 960
961 - 962
963 - 964
965 - 966
967 - 968
969 - 970
971 - 972
973 - 974
975 - 976
977 - 978
979 - 980
981 - 982
983 - 984
985 - 986
987 - 988
989 - 990
991 - 992
993 - 994
995 - 996
997 - 998
999 - 1000
1001 - 1002
1003 - 1004
1005 - 1006
1007 - 1008
1009 - 1010
1011 - 1012
1013 - 1014
1015 - 1016
1017 - 1018
1019 - 1020
1021 - 1022
Southern Pennsylvania families:
1791-1792 -
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